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Artículo: How to play Liar's Dice (Cacho/Dudo).


How to play Liar's Dice (Cacho/Dudo).

The game can be played by two or more players. Each player has a cup or "cacho" with five dice. The game starts with all players rolling one die, and the player who rolls the highest number begins the game. This person has the freedom to determine the direction of play, either to the right or to the left.

Each turn consists of shaking the dice inside the cup and flipping them onto the table while keeping them hidden from other players. The main objective is to guess the total number of dice showing a specific face or “pinta” across all players, knowing only your own results. Each player must estimate the total number of dice showing a certain “pinta,” considering their own dice and speculating about the hidden ones.

For example, the starting player announces: “There are two dice showing a 3 on the table,” or in the traditional game jargon, “two trains.” The next player must either increase the bet, change it to a higher denomination, or doubt the previous bet. For instance, they could raise the bet by saying, “There are three trains,” or switch to a higher value such as “two fours” (two dogs), “two fives” (two quinas), or “two sixes” (two cenas). However, they cannot say “two twelves” since bets can only be raised by increasing the number of dice or their value.

A player may also choose to "doubt" instead of raising the bet, saying it out loud. When this happens, all players must reveal their dice. If the number of dice matching the bet is equal to or greater than the stated amount, the doubting player loses one die. If there are fewer dice than stated, the player who made the bet loses a die instead.

There is also the option to "hunt" the bet, meaning the exact number of dice must match the previous player’s bet. If this happens, the player who "hunted" successfully regains a lost die. However, if the bet does not match exactly, this player loses a die.

The "aces" (ones) serve as both a unique “pinta” and wildcards, adopting the value of the number currently in play. When betting with "aces," the total number of dice may be reduced to half plus one (if the number is odd, it is rounded up). For example, if the current bet is "seven trains," it can be lowered to "four aces," but if it is "eight trains," it can be lowered to "five aces." Likewise, if betting with "aces" and switching to another “pinta,” the bet must be doubled plus one. For example, to change the bet from "two aces" to "trains," the new bet must be "five trains" or higher.

The player who gains or loses a die starts the next round. When a player is left with only one die, that round is played "blind," meaning only the players with one die can see their roll, while the others must continue making bets without seeing them.

Important: According to the saying “fallen die, lost die,” if a player drops a die off the table, they lose it. The last player remaining with dice is crowned the winner.

Now that you know the rules, become a pro by learning the traditional Colombian jargon!

  • Face or "pinta" 1: "As" (Ace)
  • Face or "pinta" 2: "Pato" (Duck)
  • Face or "pinta" 3: "Tren" (Train)
  • Face or "pinta" 4: "Perro" (Dog)
  • Face or "pinta" 5: "Quina" (Five)
  • Face or "pinta" 6: "Cena" (Supper)

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